

Clients who have accumulative brokerage from any foreign markets during campaign period are
eligible for lucky draw based on the different tiers as set out below.

Each client is only eligible for one lucky draw in either one of the tier based on the accumulated
brokerage during campaign period

Brokerage Tiers for Eligible Clients during Campaign Period

Accumulative Brokerage for
All Foreign Markets
Tier Prizes
RM2,000 to RM4,999.99 1 Gold Coin worth RM1,000 X 3
RM5,000 to RM9,999.99 2 Gold Coin worth RM2,000 X 2
RM10,000 and above 3 Gold Coin worth RM3,000 X1
Total   6 Prizes worth RM10,000

For Terms & Conditions, please click here

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